
Pagination is a horizontal row of square containers that include a control button or page number in the middle. A maximum of seven pages can be displayed before truncation and the appearance of the page input field. The page input field includes a text label, field, and link to the last page. Pagination with truncation must include a page input field so users can access hidden pages.


Image of pagination anatomy with lots of annotations
  1. First page
  2. Previous page
  3. Inactive page
  4. Active page
  5. Next page
  6. Last page
  7. Navigation controls
  8. Truncation
  9. Page input field
  10. Page numbers


There are two available sizes and the only difference is the Compact size does not display page numbers.

Helpful tip

The Compact size always includes the page input field.

Image of three paginations; full size, full size with page input field, and compact size


Pagination is available in both light and dark themes.

Light theme

Image of light theme pagination

Dark theme

Image of dark theme pagination


Pagination is a collection of navigation elements including controls, page numbers, and a page input field. The page input field can be horizontally or vertically centered with pagination. The amount and width of square containers is always the same. Each container is 50px x 50px. In Full size pagination, there are 11 squares at 570px combined width and in the Compact size, there are four squares at 206px combined width.

Image of pagination construction; several pagination examples showing details like alignment, height, width, and more

Active page

Styles for the active page are different from inactive pages so users can see their location. Active page styles do not apply to control buttons either because they are not page numbers.

Helpful tip

Active page styles do not apply to the Compact size because there are no page numbers visible.

Image of two light theme paginations; one is showing an active page of 4 and the other one is showing an active page of 25
Image of two dark theme paginations; one is showing an active page of 4 and the other one is showing an active page of 25


Space values between elements are the same for both sizes and on all breakpoints.

Image of pagination spacing for all sizes and orientations
Example Token Description
4 --rh-space-xs 4px spacer
6 --rh-space-sm 6px spacer
8 --rh-space-md 8px spacer
24 --rh-space-xl 24px spacer
32 --rh-space-2xl 32px spacer

Interaction states

Interactive elements include control and inactive page buttons, the page input field, and last page link.


Control and inactive page number buttons have the same hover state. Truncation is not interactive so it has no hover state.

Image of light theme pagination hover states
Image of dark theme pagination hover states


Image of light theme pagination focus states
Image of dark theme pagination focus states


Image of light theme pagination active states
Image of dark theme pagination active states
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